Have you or your child been a victim of sexual abuse within the cheer world?
If you or your child have been a victim of sexual abuse by a coach, parent, or older athlete, please come forward and share your story. We are currently investigating any and all claims of sexual abuse within the cheerleading community. All information will remain totally confidential. You may be entitled to financial compensation in addition to helping clear the cheerleading community from these horrible atrocities. Please use the "get involved" link on our page above to send a secured message to our team.
​How to help
You can help by getting involved. Everyone in the sport of cheer deserves to have his/her opinions heard. We want to hear from you!

If I leave my name, will it be shared?
No! Absolutely not! We never share your information with anyone, and any participation will be held in the highest confidence.
If you are a cheerleader
If you are an athlete, please do not leave your name if you do not have permission from your parent.